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Privacy & Cookie policy

Lottini, via Provinciale Francesca 560b, 56020 Montecalvoli (PI) tel. +39 0587 748692 –, as data controller, pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”) informs that the personal data provided spontaneously by the interested party are processed both manually and through electronic processors and application software in order to:

  1. fulfill legal and contractual obligations (eg sending pre-contractual proposals) as well as
  2. for the automated analysis of the preferences of the interested party of Lottini products on the basis of the products sought on our site. This purpose constitutes a legitimate interest of the Data Controller that does not prevail over the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the interested party.

The provision of data is optional, but it is necessary for the fulfillment of contractual and regulatory obligations towards the interested party (purposes referred to in point 1 above) and for these purposes consent is not required. Also for these purposes, moreover, the incorrect communication of personal data requested, in addition to not allowing the fulfillment of contractual obligations, may also have consequences for the inability by the owner to guarantee the adequacy of the treatment and the possible mismatch of the results of the treatment itself to the obligations imposed by the legislation to which it is addressed. The purposes referred to in point 2 above are instead possible only with the express and specific consent of the interested party who is free to provide or not without consequences in case of refusal. In any case, the possibility of opposing and withdrawing consent is reserved, even at a time following the possible release of specific consent, by contacting Lottini at the addresses indicated above. No data belonging to the particular categories of personal data referred to in article 9 of the GDPR (data that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership, genetic data, data are processed. biometric, data relating to health or sexual life or sexual orientation) nor data relating to criminal convictions and offenses referred to in Article 10 GDPR.

The data are processed at the Data Controller’s operating offices and in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For further information, it is possible to contact the Data Controller at the references indicated above.

Personal data may also be communicated to companies in charge of fulfilling contractual or regulatory obligations or which manage services relating to the purposes indicated above (including but not limited to, promotional communications, marketing, mailing to provide permitted documents or information services); the contact details of these companies will be made available to the interested party who requests it. Personal data will not be disclosed or transferred outside the European Union.

The interested party has the right to access at any time to the data concerning him (art.15 GDPR) and that are in possession of Lottini by writing to the contact details above as well as the right, in the presence of the legal requirements, to request the correction of the inaccurate data (art.16 GDPR), cancellation of the same (art.17 GDPR), limitation of processing (art.18 GDPR) or to oppose their processing (art.20 GDPR), in addition to the right to data portability (art.19 GDPR), without prejudice to legal and contractual obligations, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor).